
Guild Wars 2 - Top 10 reasons to be interested and WoW graphics comparison

For the uninitiated, Guild Wars 2 is an MMORPG that will be a free-to-play (after purchasing a copy of the game) and looks to be an exciting new choice for many disenfranchised MMO gamers.

The plot of every single rpg game. Ever.

If you have played the Final Fantasy series, the old Shining Force series, tons of generic Japanese RPGs (JRPGs), MMORPGs, or even Sci-Fi Western RPGs, then you know that a lot of plot devices, ideas, and story mechanisms get reused very often. Some…

Top Four Free Games

Free games! What could be more exciting than that? Most gamers nowadays are fully aware of the amount of investment it may take to get into gaming. Costs like home consoles, high definition televisions, high fidelity speakers, or even bleeding…