
Twitter username creation: What to do if your Twitter username is taken

So some of your friends or family are jumping on Twitter, and you want to keep up with them (follow us on Twitter here). But when you make an account, you find that your desired Twitter username is taken, or perhaps your real name is taken too! Don't fret, we have some ideas to create a Twitter name that is likable, memorable, and totally unlike anything you have ever seen before!

How to know when to upgrade your web server

If you have a website, a portfolio, a blog, a business, a Facebook app, or some kind of community forum, chances are you have a web server. While you could used shared services like, Tumblr, GeoCities (remember GeoCities?) or, when you want that custom experience, that unique vibe, you gotta use your own server.

Good ideas come from collaboration

While this animated comic strip is playing you will start to unravel where good ideas come from. Author Steven Johnson unleashes a heavy dose of information about the impact of social networks, the internet, and connectedness on the modern…