Romantic movies that don't suck
FilmAKA romantic movies you can make your boyfriend watch without feeling guilty. Romantic movies -- we all know them. We can all name several: Titanic, The Seven Year Itch, Dirty Dancing, Eat, Pray, Love, A Walk to Remember. Most of the time, we…

Great movie, better book
FilmSometimes you see a movie and you think, “there is no way they could have made that better." Then you read the book, and everything changes.
For example:
The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride is a classic film. It’s a charming, endearing…

Movies that are quoted to the max
FilmBecause sometimes, only someone else’s words will do.
There are some movies whose dialogue fits into every aspect of life -- great comebacks, bizarre banter, and intellectual musings we can all put to use at one point or another.

25 things you might not know about Harry Potter
FilmHow hardcore is your fandom?
Every now and the, it’s important to have a good, old nerding session. Since Rowling spent years compiling characters, world rules, and magic rules for Harry Potter, it’s one of the easiest, and most entertaining…

Six weird awesome films that are worth a watch
FilmThere are lots of movies that are awesome just because they’re weird, and they’re well worth a watch, under the right conditions.
Sometimes we watch movies for entertainment purposes, sometimes we watch movie to feel a certain way, and…

5 Screen Gangsters We All Hate to Love
FilmHere are 5 screen gangsters you can’t help but fall in love with, despite the many reasons why you shouldn’t…

No More CGI Destruction of Cities Required, Please
Films there not a more interesting story to tell using these kinds of characters that isn’t just 100% shock-and-awe tactics. How long is it going to be before kids shrug their shoulders at one of these films and the audience pulling power of a $200m blockbuster starts to wane?

Zombies: Have They Still Got Legs?
FilmDespite the amount of video games, comic books, novels and TV shows such as the awesome Walking Dead series that have arrived on the scene, the zombie genre keeps getting up after being shot multiple times.

Can 'The Worlds End' Live Up To The Hype?
FilmEdgar Wright and Simon Pegg are used to dealing with high expectations of their work by now. Back in 2004, when their first feature film collaboration Shaun of the Dead was released, it was just three years after their seminal TV show Spaced, a show that blew the cobwebs off the tired sitcom format of twenty-something’s hanging around in swanky wine bars and getting into “adventures”, and all the time whilst being accompanied by a very loud laughing track.

And Now: Attractive women from romantic comedies that are also clumsy
FilmWe've come a long way from the days of Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and Marilyn Monroe and Tom Ewell's romance in "The Seven Year Itch". Now movie producers are looking for ways to wedge romantic plots into anything they can get their hands on - it's no wonder that there have been more romantic comedies in the last five years than all of the other years of film combined!

It's All Just Black and White
FilmHere are a few films whose directors passed over color and decided black and white would be a much more fitting color scheme for the tone and overall reception and impact of their piece.

From Book to Film: Part two
FilmIn the previous installment of From Book to Film, we discussed two films that, though adapted from a novella and a novel, respectfully, differed from their source material in terms of narrative structure, adding, expanding upon or even skipping over plot points while still managing to create a strong, everlasting cinematic experience.

Books to Film: Part One
FilmA novel is such a singular experience it is no wonder that adapting a book to the medium of film is as arduous a task as any. When you read, you are alone. Not in the sense that no one else is around you, but rather that you are the reader and the narrator and the painter of the scenes in your head. You provide the voices and translate the imagery to fit the way you perceive the story.

For Remake's Sake: Arthur (1981) / Arthur (2011)
FilmOf the films explored in this series, 1981's "Arthur" seems the most appropriate to remake. Starring Dudley Moore, in what would be his most iconic role, "Arthur" follows the misadventures of the titular hapless drunk whose immense fortune and desperate alcoholism has left him alone and distanced from the rest of the world.

For Remake's Sake: A Continual Exploration into the Art of Story-Retelling - Let the Right One In and Let Me In
FilmIn 2008, one of the best foreign films in recent memory was released and not only redefined the perception of horror but defied boundaries of the nature of love and the capabilities for young actors to capture convincing characters and manage innate but intimate emotion.

For Remake’s Sake: A Continual Exploration into the Art of Story-Retelling - The Departed and Infernal Affairs
FilmTo remake a film, one must fight against all the images, characters, lines and scenes of the original that play in your head like a never ending carousel going ‘round and ‘round and ‘round, and create something new and hopefully just as appealing. But with so much of the magic of film lying in the realms of unexpectedness, that unidentifiable factor that evokes emotion and establishes deep-rooted connections between the characters and audience is there an art or a point to retelling a story that worked well in the first place?

Know your "classic" cinema: Five more movies you should watch
FilmWe're back once again to make sure that you'll never again be the only person in your group who totally did not catch that film reference. Wait, that was a film reference?

Movie conversion rate: Trading your favorite movies with your significant other
FilmWe present the ultimate guide to trading movies to watch with your woman - a chart that can tell you exactly what you have to sit through in order to make her watch one of your favorite movies.

Know your "classic" cinema: Six movies you should watch
FilmBeware the youth for they are the future, and sadly, they're also seriously lacking on their cult film/classic cinema knowledge. Just the other day one said, "What is 'Escape From New York'? I've never seen it."

Foreign Fare: The Lingering State of International Cinema
FilmThe state of foreign cinema in the United States has always been a troubled one. With Hollywood acting as an overwhelming force both stateside and overseas, it seems like a constant struggle for foreign films to get their due audience.