AC/DC do Ghostbusters

I ain't afraid of no American thighs!
AC/DC is a long standing band with tons of fans, notoriety, fame, fortune, and everything that goes with it (they thank you all). But it’s been no bed of roses, no pleasure cruise, because AC/DC has a ghost problem, and they don’t know what to do. Or who to call.
Enter Ray Parker Jr. – A man some would say is obsessed with ghosts, while others would claim he was simply a pitchman for a unique organization that captures ghosts and protects the public from harm and the super natural.
Ironically, AC/DC called up Ray Parker Jr. and asked them who to call (based on an earlier source that mentioned that Ray Parker in fact knew who to call). Ray Parker quickly responded to the Young brothers and the rest of the AC/DC group, simply stating Ghostbusters!
Take a look (and listen) to Thunder Busters: a music video/song mashup of AC/DC vs Ghostbusters by Wax Audio, using AC/DC’s anthem Thunderstruck and Ray Parker Jr’s Ghostbusters.
You’ve been thunderstruck! And bustin makes you feel good (these are the actual lyrics… yep bustin makes me feel good, too!)
Also, while you’re at it, check out Wax Audio’s mashup take on Sabbath and Led Zeppelin:
There are even more song mashups on Wax Audio’s site:
Do it to it!