Friday Bulletin on the Internet: It’s the end of the year and I feel fine
- When the river gets low, historians get happy: WWII minesweeper pops up during low water.
- Here are some awkward side affects of doomsday preppers being wrong
- Get this: Good partners make good parents, people who pre-drink before going out drink more, and those with more experience make better decisions. The “no-duh” studies of 2012
- Sign up to play Imagine Me
- Some background:
Imagine Me is the story of a boy protecting a town from monsters but also trying to remember how he got there or who he is
- Some background:
- MSN lists the best and worst stories about quitting a job, getting a new one, or being pink-slipped
- College Humor shows us what grown-up gifts would look like if they were packaged for children
- Speaking of when you were a child, did you think you’d see someone’s father cry like this for a Christmas gift? He really likes football:
- Sony lists their favorite user made tracks for LittleBigPlanet kart racing
- Yahoo has a great mega-list: Top 10 Lists-O-Rama
- Did you know? Celebrities are nothing like us!
- Check out this Epic Castlevania Beast
- If you got Assassins Creed 3 for Christmas (or for yourself) this map of the frontier might be of use
- Here are five people who were disappointed by the apocalypse-fail
- It was the end of the world not too long ago, and now it’s the end of the year. But, as always, Michael Stipe feels fine
Also Obama and McKayla Maroney are not impressed:

Totally not impressed
Hmm something seems off … needs more Spock. If only there was a place for that?

Ahh … that’s better!