Vindictus: Free-to-play MMORPG from Nexon using Valve’s Source Engine

Vindictus could be the best free MMORPG ever
Vindictus – it’s free, built using Source, and has a great story
The battles never end, the rain never ends, and nothing ever grows in this land. “Rain falls, yet the land is barren, as if the earth has been drenched in too much bloodshed to bear fruit“. Monsters and demons and things wait around every corner. They wait to rip you apart. It’s one of those things that you will love and altogether dread. It feels so real.
The people of this land have created dodgy towns with high walls and lots of protection. All of these people wait for The Legend.
Physics and realism
Take all that you know from previous Valve games built on the Source engine: Left 4 Dead, Counter-Strike, Half-Life 2, and Team Fortress 2. They all have great physics engines.
Just like those games (and Age of Conan) gore and blood splashes all around you – in realistic locations right where you sliced the enemy. Corpses become your own sadistic weapons. Walls literally crumble during battles, and the environment is destructible and interactive, falling apart as you fight through (the Source Engine helps makes Vindictus one bad-ass free-to-play game!!)
Even more features
You can craft your hero’s gear with stats via the Enchant system and then turn around and customize the appearance of the gear via the Dye system. You get to be as unique as you want to be! You can take on especially bad bosses with the party system that takes into account the constantly changing physics object all over the battle stage.
You can find Vindictus free to download and play here:
Get: Vindictus
Check out the Vindictus trailer: