Friday Internet Bull… vacation version
Since everyone is on vacation for Fourth of July (well in US at least), we have an especially brief version of FIB for this week.
- Cheapass Science shows you how to spell your name with bacteria
- Microsoft will let you upgrade from Widndows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 to Windows 8 Pro for $40!
- Windows 8 Pro is basically the highest version now (no more Ultimate), so this is a freaking deal!
- ExtremeTech reports AMD stops monthly updates – they must have something on their minds
- Physicists find existence of … [the indication] … of a God Particle
- Lonesome George, the last of his kind, passes into the next realm.
- On 24 June 2012, at 8:00 am local time, Director of the Galápagos National Park Edwin Naula announced that Lonesome George had been found dead by his caretaker of 40 years, Fausto Llerena. Naula suspects that the cause of death was heart failure consistent with the end of the natural life cycle of a tortoise. He was believed to be more than 100 years old.

We’re gonna miss you George
In honor of Lonesome George’s passing, we present a Pink Floyd chart and accompanying song to send him off:

wish you were here
Pink Floyd – Wish You Were Here