
HOW TO: Increase productivity with some simple scripts using PHP include, require, include_once, and require_once

Find out how PHP can streamline website maintenance and building dramatically, as well as get your feet wet with some dynamic website building.

HTML5, WebGL, CSS3, and assorted JavaScript tech demos

Here are some great prototypes and samples demonstrating the cutting edge of the web!

What makes a good web design? And how did we start?

Ever wonder how web design came to be? We take a look back from the beginning, and also preach about standards and guidelines.

Four quick and easy ways to make your site load faster

Forget getting a bleeding edge server, or limiting content or effects to cater to a higher level of broadband or high-speed internet users. Here are some quick tips to make any site load faster, with very little effort - straight from a pro!

How to combine your separate CSS files into one using PHP and then compress the CSS with GZIP

Take a look at our handy dandy PHP script here and solve your overwhelming CSS file inclusions or file download times by combining them with PHP and compressing them with GZIP! Plus there is an option for browser specific CSS!

Sample Web Developer or Web Designer contract for freelancing

What you do you do when there is a failure in your contract? You are not protected by any kind of written, agreed upon list of rules for your work. When you don't set boundaries for people, they often try to walk all over you, or at the very least, put little add-ons that slowly add up. Well, here is a contract outline that you can use to make your next project easier.

How to make a CSS border with two different colors

We have a very straightforward method to produce a standards compliant border with two unique colors.

A cool PHP tip to make your programs more efficient: Associative Array Logic

Here is a quick and dirty PHP tip that you might be able to use within one of your next projects.

Craigslist overuse of the word Guru

WTF Craigslist? Why is it that whenever you look for a job on Craigslist, or a short HTML or PHP gig you see these same stupid posts about hiring a guru!? Why do people still use this word? It is so overused and so lame to use that when…

HTML: i vs em and b vs strong

Countless web developers and designers alike seem to misunderstand the usage of certain HTML tags. While we can berate them all day long about their poor coding skills (and really why wouldn't we?), it is much more charitable to help them! First,…

When to use third-party plugins or frameworks

Here's the scenario: You are on a tight deadline, and you need to ensure the greatest quality product with the quickest turnaround. The decision now is whether or not you have time to finish the project! What are you going to do if you don't? Well…