
Age of Conan goes free to play with AoC: Unchained

The violent, sexualized MMO switches to the free-to-play model. Will it help Conan and the Hyborian's stay alive?

Top Ten games that let you play as the "bad guy"

Check out our list of the top ten bad guys that you can play as in video games.

What's better than an RPG? An ARG.

ARG's are thought to have been inspired by the likes of those Choose Your Own Adventure novels that used to be so popular. The likes of which would keep a reader busy for hours going back and finding a different route for the hero to take. It's also said that Orson Welles had a big part in inspiring the Puppetmaster's with his War of the Worlds Broadcasts. ARG's are here to stay and are only getting smarter and more intense.

Is Warhammer Online being shut down?

It seems no matter how much advertising, effort, or player time that's put into Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, EA is forced to slowly shut down the servers and push players out. Instead of trying to revamp the game, change the subscription to a free-to-play model, or simply let it be, they want to end it. While it doesn't even take a former EA employee who worked on WAR to tell you that the game had some problems, it still deserved a little more time.

Team Fortress 2 Classes in RPG terms

If you have ever played a traditional RPG, whether it be pen-and-paper, or something like Dungeons and Dragons, you might be aware of the character alignment and personality system. If you don't know what it is, catch up here on Wikipedia. Either way, take a look at this Team Fortress 2 chart that classifies each TF2 class in the alignment methodology.

Sequel to Oblivion inbound – The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim launch date announced

Bethesda has officially announced the launch date to one of the most long awaited sequels to an award winning game and treasured Western RPG. Coming to PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 (and possibly other platforms), the new title, named The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, will hit stores on 11.11.11!

The plot of every single rpg game. Ever.

If you have played the Final Fantasy series, the old Shining Force series, tons of generic Japanese RPGs (JRPGs), MMORPGs, or even Sci-Fi Western RPGs, then you know that a lot of plot devices, ideas, and story mechanisms get reused very often. Some…

Why Warhammer Online Failed

The tale of the EALouse A former EA employee, one who has been scorned and angered by the sheer lack of terrible upper management (you know, the kind that fails to understand their own market and try to get promoted over furthering the company),…

Top Four Free Games

Free games! What could be more exciting than that? Most gamers nowadays are fully aware of the amount of investment it may take to get into gaming. Costs like home consoles, high definition televisions, high fidelity speakers, or even bleeding…