Sequel to Oblivion inbound – The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim launch date announced

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Bethesda has officially announced the launch date to one of the most long awaited sequels to an award winning game and treasured Western RPG.
Coming to PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 (and possibly other platforms), the new title, named The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, will hit stores on 11.11.11!
That’s right! November 11, 2011! That gives you plenty of time to churn through your backlog and grab any new games to boot.
New content
While details are still vague, we do know that there will be dragons. Keep in mind that several spectacular RPGs have already come out since The Elder Scrolls IV, including Dragon Age, Mass Effect, The Witcher, Fallout 3, Red Dead Redemption (it has horses!), tons of MMORPGs, as well as expansions for Oblivion itself!
Basically, we have yet to see if Bethesda has stepped up the game with The Elder Scrolls V, but we hope that they did.
Actually, we kind of have a feeling that The Elder Scrolls V will blow us out of the water. With dragon flames.

The Elder Scrolls. Now with dragons.
Why not take a look at the announcement video: