
5 Great End-Of-Level Bosses from the 90's
GamingWith the advancement of technology so advanced now that every game looks as good as a Hollywood movie, it’s important that we savor the games of yesteryear.

Four annoying things that tech companies do
TechWhen a tech industry company changes something or makes a decision on our behalf, it can become a grievance, bugging the crap out of consumers and fans alike. Here are some annoying things that corporations do.

The worst things in videogames
GamingSexism, online racism, violence, vulgarity, lewdness, cliches, bad gameplay: none of these can outdo the worst thing that has infested video games today.
And the problem is no one of these areas entirely encompasses the main problem that is rampant within today's 3D interactive software. Nor is the problem due to the negative media attention or political action that has taken arms against a favored pastime of many people across the world.

Killzone 3 Multiplayer Open Beta Coming Soon!
GamingThe Helghast are back, war is upon you, and there is a great chance to get sneak peak at Killzone 3. Time to load up and get ready to kill some more Mamoru Oshii inspired baddies.
While Killzone 3's release is just around the corner, Sony has so graciously announced a Killzone 3 Multiplayer Open Beta that will be available for download on the PlayStation Network starting Wednesday, February 2nd.

Sequel to Oblivion inbound – The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim launch date announced
GamingBethesda has officially announced the launch date to one of the most long awaited sequels to an award winning game and treasured Western RPG.
Coming to PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 (and possibly other platforms), the new title, named The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, will hit stores on 11.11.11!

Panasonic Jungle: New handheld to compete against PSP and DS
GamingPanasonic has announced its portable platform: the Jungle, signaling the return of Panasonic to the gaming market since the much loved and much despised 3DO. Looking like a cross between a Nintendo DS and a netbook, the Jungle will have a full QWERTY keyboard and twin touch pads for control with.
Not willing to take on the DS or PSP battle just yet, Panasonic is promoting the Jungle as a machine for MMO players with their first title being a Battlestar Galactica MMO.

Call of Duty: Black Ops spawn points suck
GamingBut as some have probably already noticed, the spawn points in some MP maps aren't very good. Others are downright broken. Patch this please?

The four kinds of hackers in video games
GamingHackers are usually considered a bad thing. Or a strange fear left over from 90s hysteria. Hackers are bad, but let's not start a witch hunt every time we play video games online!
Either way, there are tons of gamers out there that think every great player in an online multiplayer gaming session is a hacker. Well, we beg to differ.

The Sony PlayStation Phone Picture
The time has come for another new phone device!
Sony SVP Peter Dille recently mentioned that the PSP isn't equal in strength or ease as it's larger relative, the PS3, saying, "I don't think we fully realize that vision with a Wi-Fi device.…

Hide yo Vaio, hide yo PS3, cause Apple might be buying Sony
Inside stock market sources are all up in arms about the apparent possibility that Sony might get bought out by Apple. While ludicrous, frightening, and downright unsettling, the possibility of Apple buying Sony is a plausible one.

Hackers: The 1995 movie about hacking: A Review
FilmIf you do one nerdy thing all year, go watch Hackers. It will make you a more well-rounded person.
It's clearly outdated, misinformed, and very campy, but it still features a ton of joy and character. You can even Netflix instant queue it!

Xbox 360 vs PS3 vs Wii vs PC
Yes, from the people who brought you the Linux VS Mac VS PC article comes the next step in ridiculous lists. Keep in mind the games chosen for the Killer-App may not be your favorite game, but, nevertheless, they are still selling consoles…