Xbox 360 vs PS3 vs Wii vs PC

PC v Xbox360 v Wii v PS3
Yes, from the people who brought you the Linux VS Mac VS PC article comes the next step in ridiculous lists. Keep in mind the games chosen for the Killer-App may not be your favorite game, but, nevertheless, they are still selling consoles or driving gamers to the platform. I dare you to disagree.
Xbox 360
- Xbox Live is awesome (but it costs 50 bucks)
- 720p games look great
- Xbox Live Arcade is mostly full of winners
- Lots of games coming out in 2007
- HD-DVD drive extends media abilities of the Xbox (although it can’t play Divx easily)
- Current Killer-App: Gears of War
- Sony’s online network is free/ has a browser
- Games are in full
1080p resolution… full 720p - It’s Blu-Ray discs hold a lot of stuff
- Can support multiple Operating Systems
- Is worth every penny for the premium edition (is it?)
- Current Killer-App: Resistance: Fall of Man
- Control scheme lets you flail about foolishly
- Free online network (except that using friend codes makes the word “free” seem trivial)
- Great library of older Nintendo system games
- Web browser is cool, although paying for it won’t be (The Dreamcast’s browser was free… look how well that did)
- It’s Cheap!
- Current Killer-App: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
- Keyboard and mouse combo to go please!
- Mods, patches, and upgrades are convenient
- Sometimes costly to upgrade, although price can be comparable to buying a new console
- Variety of free games/demos/programs/web browsers
- Most games have free online networks
- You can play in whatever resolution you want
- Current Killer-App: WoW