Linux vs Mac vs Windows

Tux vs flag vs apple
When it comes to Operating Systems, everyone has their favorites. In order to provide a better understanding of the choices for computer users today, here is a list that clearly states the reasons why each respective OS is better.
Why Linux is the Best:
- Different versions allow for greater customization to suit one’s needs
- More stable kernel than Windows
- Free, open-source programs
- Using it makes you smart and underground
- Sweet games like UT2004, Quake 4, Tux Racer, and Cedega Transgaming
- Free, for the most part
Why Windows is the Best:
- Most computer games are made for the Windows OS (plus it has Solitaire/Minesweeper!)
- Easy to use interface (except that the average user still doesn’t understand it)
- Compatible with tons of software and hardware
- Has WMV HD, a wonderful proprietary codec
- DirectX 9/10,, myriad other powerful development tools
- Exciting new version just came out
Why Mac is the Best:
- Funny commercials
- Superior Video Editing
- Has Blizzard games like WoW/Warcraft 3/Starcraft, and has Black and White
- With the new Intel-based structure comes the ability to dual-boot Windows
- Farts smell better/overall 1337n3$$ is improved
- More secure and stable…