Sign up for the Rift beta now!

Rift, the new MMORPG on the block, that is not only interesting, good looking, and press friendly, also happens to be quite fun. While it is hard to say whether the success of the new game from Trion Worlds (makers of RTS End of Nations) will be substantial enough to gain foothold in the online massively multiplayer battle for the top, it is certainly a contender.
Not afraid to test the game to it’s limits, Trion Worlds has already hosted four closed beta events, available to those lucky and quick enough to register.
Enter the newest beta event, Battle of the Ascended. It starts today and ends on Friday, January 28. And you can still register and try out this new shiny MMORPG for free!
Just go to the Rift beta page found here and click on the part where it says “register”!
Good luck and have fun! Hurry!