WWDC Announcements: Apple reveals iOS 7, iTunes Radio, and new laptop and desktop hardware. iPhone users rejoice

Doesn’t Android have that already?
With all of the fanfare and excitement over the E3 console announcements and price points coming from Sony and Microsoft, one might forget that another tech giant, Apple, is having a little conference of their own.
Apple wants you to have great new stuff
Apple has mentioned a slew of great upgrades and hardware changes, but their most notable piece of press news is the promise of a new iOS version – which will give users of the iPhone and iPad better options and features in Mail, Weather, Messages, Safari, as well as multitasking, cleaned up notifications, and an Android-like Control Center. Find out more here.
Plus, iOS7 will also include iTunes Radio, which Apple pitches as the next step in iTunes:
Tune in to iTunes Radio on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, PC, or Apple TV. You’ll have access to Featured Stations, stations inspired by the music you already listen to, and more than 200 genre-focused stations — including everything from Hard Rock to Doo Wop. Your stations evolve based on the music you play and download. So the more you use iTunes Radio and iTunes, the more iTunes Radio knows what you like to listen to — and the more personalized your experience becomes.
Apple wants you to go surfing?
On top of a new release of their mobile operating system, Apple has begun steps to release their latest upgrade to OSX – named Mavericks. Gone are the cat names that used to denote major updates to OSX, behold the new era of … “California-y things”?
Another interesting development is the non-standard look of Apple’s iteration to the typically blazing fast Mac Pro desktop. While some are still on the fence about the style of the thing (it looks like some kind of technically advance alien weapon), it sure does have the power to back up it’s appearance:
Engineered around workstation graphics with dual GPUs, PCI Express-based flash storage, high-performance Thunderbolt 2, new-generation Xeon processors, ultrafast memory, and support for 4K video, the new Mac Pro delivers state-of-the-art performance across the board.

Bass Cannon?
I’m still deciding if I like the way it looks, but holy geez is it fast.
Read more about all of Apple’s products and cutting edge products at their website.