
Top Games for Programmers: Combine two passions into one!

Here are some great programming oriented games that I have found over the years, which can be played by programmers and non-programmers alike.

FIB: G33K & G4M3R Girls and riots and cats

Build up your geek cred with some internet cat videos, a gamer girl music video, some iPhone tips and tricks ... plus more!

Friday Internet Bulletin: Pikachu is a bad example for the kids

Heavy hit with some tech news about Windows Phone 8, some exciting video game news about Unreal Engine as well as NVIDIA, some interesting news items, and, of course, Pikachu on drugs.

Friday Internet Bulletin: This one is sweet (it's about sugar)

This one's got some sugar-themed posts, as well as one e-commerce website's choice to tax IE7 users!

Friday Internet Bulletin: First Edition

Today's FIB features a hefty amount of tech industry news, a music video of Mr Rogers, and a strange Skyrim mod.

Four annoying things that tech companies do

When a tech industry company changes something or makes a decision on our behalf, it can become a grievance, bugging the crap out of consumers and fans alike. Here are some annoying things that corporations do.

Android phone ownership now larger then iPhone

According to the statistics ending November 2010, Google Android users now make up 26% of the mobile phone market, second to RIM's (owners of Blackeberry) leading 33.5% market share. Compared to the numbers from August 2010, it seems as though the Android user surge hurt the Blackberry and Microsoft mobile markets the most, with Microsoft losing 1.8% and Blackberry losing a whopping 4.1%!