Friday Internet Bulletin: This one is sweet (it’s about sugar)

Mmm goes great with EVERYTHING!
With a focus on sugar and science, this week’s FIB may surprise and enlighten you.
- check out this artificial sweeteners comparison
- Makes you think twice about your next soda
- An e-commerce’s solution to IE7 optimization: tax those IE7 bastards!
- Using your body to recharge sugar powered fuel cells
- NY Times shows us their NBA shot analysis
- Samsung is excited to show off their new TecTiles™ Programmable NFC Tags
- It could revolutionize your household automation:
With a simple tap of an NFC-enabled phone to a TecTile, consumers are able to automate everyday functions of a smartphone including sending a “headed/at home” text message, silencing the phone when entering a meeting, setting an alarm, and dimming the display when going to bed.
- It could revolutionize your household automation:
- New reports indicate that men are too hormonal to make financial decisions – but we all know it’s cause men mostly think about sex.
- In weird science news, scientists have grown human bone from stem cells in a laboratory
- Next time you break your arm it could be grown back in a lab! Or those that have unfortunate accidents can get their bones back!
- Teen makes really cool iPhone concept
- MIT has started to test the use of sugar-powered fuel cells for neural implants – sweet!