
Check out the feature-length film "The Trashmaster" created with GTAIV

Mathieu Weschler, a French filmmaker who spent two years working (or playing) with Grand Theft Auto IV, has completed the world's first minute feature-length machinima movie using the Euphoria Engine, and the universe of Grand Theft Auto IV. It clocks in at almost an hour and a half!

Team Fortress 2 Classes in RPG terms

If you have ever played a traditional RPG, whether it be pen-and-paper, or something like Dungeons and Dragons, you might be aware of the character alignment and personality system. If you don't know what it is, catch up here on Wikipedia. Either way, take a look at this Team Fortress 2 chart that classifies each TF2 class in the alignment methodology.

Valve’s game history and success. An infographic.

The history of Valve in an easy-to-read chart!

Sequel to Oblivion inbound – The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim launch date announced

Bethesda has officially announced the launch date to one of the most long awaited sequels to an award winning game and treasured Western RPG. Coming to PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 (and possibly other platforms), the new title, named The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, will hit stores on 11.11.11!

Panasonic Jungle: New handheld to compete against PSP and DS

Panasonic has announced its portable platform: the Jungle, signaling the return of Panasonic to the gaming market since the much loved and much despised 3DO. Looking like a cross between a Nintendo DS and a netbook, the Jungle will have a full QWERTY keyboard and twin touch pads for control with. Not willing to take on the DS or PSP battle just yet, Panasonic is promoting the Jungle as a machine for MMO players with their first title being a Battlestar Galactica MMO.

Call of Duty: Black Ops spawn points suck

But as some have probably already noticed, the spawn points in some MP maps aren't very good. Others are downright broken. Patch this please?

The four kinds of hackers in video games

Hackers are usually considered a bad thing. Or a strange fear left over from 90s hysteria. Hackers are bad, but let's not start a witch hunt every time we play video games online! Either way, there are tons of gamers out there that think every great player in an online multiplayer gaming session is a hacker. Well, we beg to differ.

Vindictus: Free-to-play MMORPG from Nexon using Valve's Source Engine

Vindictus - it's free, built using Source, and has a great story The battles never end, the rain never ends, and nothing ever grows in this land. "Rain falls, yet the land is barren, as if the earth has been drenched in too much bloodshed…

The Sony PlayStation Phone Picture

The time has come for another new phone device! Sony SVP Peter Dille recently mentioned that the PSP isn't equal in strength or ease as it's larger relative, the PS3, saying, "I don't think we fully realize that vision with a Wi-Fi device.…

Hide yo Vaio, hide yo PS3, cause Apple might be buying Sony

Inside stock market sources are all up in arms about the apparent possibility that Sony might get bought out by Apple. While ludicrous, frightening, and downright unsettling, the possibility of Apple buying Sony is a plausible one. Currently,…

The plot of every single rpg game. Ever.

If you have played the Final Fantasy series, the old Shining Force series, tons of generic Japanese RPGs (JRPGs), MMORPGs, or even Sci-Fi Western RPGs, then you know that a lot of plot devices, ideas, and story mechanisms get reused very often. Some…

Why Warhammer Online Failed

The tale of the EALouse A former EA employee, one who has been scorned and angered by the sheer lack of terrible upper management (you know, the kind that fails to understand their own market and try to get promoted over furthering the company),…

Nickelodeon toons, Mario and Luigi, and 80s cartoon art

There's nothing like reminiscing about your favorite childhood TV shows, and what better way then to look at excellently crafted hand drawn pictures of Nickelodeon cartoon characters like: Rocko Ren and Stimpy CatDog Aaahh!!! Real Monsters Sponge…

Complete History Of The Soviet Union In the tune of Tetris

Any gamer knows Tetris, and most gamers know Tetris is from a game programmer who hailed from Soviet Russia. What even less gamers may know is that the theme music of Tetris was based off of old Russian tunes. What a lot of gamers may not…

Happy 25th Anniversary Mario!

In 1985, Super Mario Bros. was released (in Japan that is) According to Wikipedia: As Nintendo's mascot, Mario is considered to be the most famous video game character in history, and has been called an icon of the gaming industry. The Mario…

Free Download: Ocarina of Time Soundtrack

Remember how much great music was packed into The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time? It was so great that you were humming it along for months after finishing the game, and can probably still remember some of the tunes to this day.

Top Four Free Games

Free games! What could be more exciting than that? Most gamers nowadays are fully aware of the amount of investment it may take to get into gaming. Costs like home consoles, high definition televisions, high fidelity speakers, or even bleeding…

Counter-Strike Videos: The Sequel

This morning, the internet revealed an all new set of videos involving the lovable game of millions. While there may not be as many videos as the last Counter-Strike Video post, this one still has some gems.

Counter-Strike Videos

Here are some interesting videos centered around a game that I play constantly. Some are very funny. Some are really stupid!