Eleven reasons why you should date a web developer
CodingHere are eleven great reasons why you should consider dating a web developer professional.
Top Games for Programmers: Combine two passions into one!
GamingHere are some great programming oriented games that I have found over the years, which can be played by programmers and non-programmers alike.
Eleven great web comics that you should read
GeneralHere are some great sites to check out - hopefully you will find some interesting and hilarious web comics!
Weird video game cosplay, sweet costumes, and chicks man
GamingSee people in video game costumes, movie cosplay, and a little bit of strangeness and oddity in this list mega list of pics!
Stamp On The Ground music video with a ton of video game character cameos!
GamingHave you seen this awesome music video made by a gaming fan and skilled artist named Zarla?
Know your "classic" cinema: Six movies you should watch
FilmBeware the youth for they are the future, and sadly, they're also seriously lacking on their cult film/classic cinema knowledge. Just the other day one said, "What is 'Escape From New York'? I've never seen it."
Eight great musicians and bands in eight different genres
MusicSometimes you just seem to find music by pure luck or random timing. Here are eight great groups and artists that have been found in roundabout ways that you should listen to!
Turns out the real plot for Revenge of the Nerds was the assimilation of the masses into their collective. Not unlike what the Borg would have done.
FilmThe seventies and eighties weren't such a good time to be a nerd. It was an era when soldiers, jocks, and corporate men ruled the world, and D&D players weren't likely to get the girl. As the decades went by, the dynamic changed enough that Jocks were hiding inside on sunny days playing video games (even if it was Madden NFL) and the Nerds made it outside long enough to notice that having a tan ain't that bad.
However you want to put it, things have changed enough that it isn't such a black spot on your rep to admit that you're into stuff that once would have gotten your underwear run up the flagpole.
From the guys who did Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz comes Paul
FilmThis March, the much-loved actors Simon Pegg and Nick Frost reunite for the movie Paul, a comedy adventure that follows to UFO hunters on a quest to find aliens.
To their greatest hopes and dreams, they actually meet an alien (played by Seth Rogen).
Six quick ways to get smarter faster
GeneralWhile some of these techniques on their own will make your brain work harder and more efficiently, compiling all of them into one big habit will make you feel, think, and do much more effectively.
These are some of the easiest hacks you could do for your body and mind.
Craigslist overuse of the word Guru
CodingWTF Craigslist?
Why is it that whenever you look for a job on Craigslist, or a short HTML or PHP gig you see these same stupid posts about hiring a guru!? Why do people still use this word?
It is so overused and so lame to use that when…
Hackers: The 1995 movie about hacking: A Review
FilmIf you do one nerdy thing all year, go watch Hackers. It will make you a more well-rounded person.
It's clearly outdated, misinformed, and very campy, but it still features a ton of joy and character. You can even Netflix instant queue it!
The Evolution of a geek. A flowchart
GeneralGeeks can and do come in all shapes and sizes and from all walks of life.